virtual production

Virtual and VFX HEAVY Production 

2020 put Virtual Production on the map with the perfect use case of Disney’s The Mandalorian. With the rise of the Novel Corona Virus, film producers are looking to technology to continue to tell their stories.

Greenscreen has been a critical tool in film and video productions, especially in the past two decades. Once a technology reserved for Hollywood blockbusters with big VFX budgets, the accessibility and improvement of chroma keying technology and innovations in both Virtual and Broadcast productions means shooting on green screen is now accessible to everybody.

The possibilities of a green painted wall are limitless!

VFX and compositing software has been disrupted with open-source apps such as Unreal Engine and Blender, we are going through a revolution akin to that of the DSLR movement of the early 2010s. However, rather than putting a 4k camera in everyone’s hands, filmmakers of any level now have access to the tools needed to create convincing visual effects.

Nodachi can simplify the virtual production process and allow Producers and Directors to forget about the technology and focus on their filmmaking.